Cancellation Policy


Thirty (30) days advance written notice from the first (1st) day of the effective termination month is necessary to stop Wise Up Academy membership in the next month. Failure to give adequate notice to cancel membership will result in the membership for the following month and termination occurring the following month. For example, if you cancel your membership on April 30th then termination is effective as of June 1st. If you cancel May 4th then the termination would be effective as of July 1st.  

The Explorer Membership Package at our academy is tailored for students who wish to consistently engage in learning with the flexibility of attending up to four classes per month. This package is structured to encourage regular monthly participation, enhancing the learning experience. It is important for students to understand that the allocation of four classes is specific to each month and does not carry over; any classes not utilized within the given month will be forfeited. Additionally, there is no refund option available for classes that are not attended. This policy is designed to encourage full and timely utilization of the educational opportunities provided each month, ensuring students make the most of their learning journey with us.


Wise Up Academy’s class packs are designed to offer flexibility and convenience to our learners. However, it’s important to note that once purchased, these class packs are non-transferable and non-refundable. You have the freedom to use them for any Wise Up Academy class of your choosing at any time. The validity of the class packs extends up to 12 months (1 year) from the date of purchase, allowing ample time to utilize the classes as per your schedule. Please be aware that if all classes included in the pack are not used by the end of this 12-month period, the remaining classes will be voided and no refund will be provided for unused sessions.