Career Planning

Creating a professional LinkedIn profile, ensuring their social media presence is career-ready, craft impactful resumes, fill out tax forms like the W4, and master interviewing techniques.

 Resume Building:

Understanding how to create a compelling resume that highlights skills, experiences, and achievements.

 Cover Letters:

Crafting effective cover letters that complement the resume and articulate why you are the right fit for the job.

 Job Search Strategies:

Learning how to effectively search for job opportunities using both online platforms and networking.

 Interview Preparation:

Tips and techniques for preparing for job interviews, including common questions, appropriate attire, and presentation skills.

 Professional Communication:

Developing skills for professional communication, both verbally and via written mediums like email.

 Workplace Etiquette:

Understanding the basics of workplace behavior, including punctuality, dress code, and general conduct.


Learning the importance of building and maintaining professional relationships and how networking can lead to job

 Understanding Employment Contracts:

Basic knowledge of what to look for in employment contracts, including salary, benefits, and job responsibilities.

 Conflict Resolution:

Strategies for resolving conflicts in the workplace in a professional manner.

 Working with Managers:

Insights on how to effectively work with supervisors and managers, understanding hierarchy, and receiving feedback.

 Asking for a Raise or Promotion:

Guidance on when and how to ask for a raise or promotion, including how to prepare a case showcasing your value to the company.

 Rights and Responsibilities of Employees:

Awareness of legal rights as an employee , understanding workplace safety, and responsibilities held by both employee and employer. 

 Time Management:

Skills for managing time effectively to balance work, personal life, and, if applicable, education.

 Adapting to Workplace Culture:

Learning how to adapt to different corporate cultures and the importance of fitting into a team.

 Preparing for Job Fairs and Recruitment Events:

Tips for making the most out of job fairs and recruitment events, including what to bring, who to talk to, and how to follow up.

 Understanding Employment Types:

Exploring the differences between part-time and full-time employment, including benefits, hours, and job

 Independent Contractor vs. Employee:

Learning what it means to work as an independent contractor, including tax implications, flexibility, and differences in job stability compared to traditional employment.

Upcoming Classes

The below are a list of classes taught at Wise Up Academy.  Registration Required.
(Max Class Size – 20) 

May 2024
Saturday May 4
Monday May 6
4:00 pm - 4:50 pm Taxes 201: Tax Forms
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