Adulting 101

The Adulting 101 module provides an in-depth exploration of critical topics that every young adult should understand as they transition into independence

 The Importance of Lifelong Learning:

Emphasizing the value of continuous education and personal development, regardless of the chosen career path.

 Legal Responsibilities at Age 18:

An overview of new responsibilities and rights upon turning 18, such as voting, signing contracts, and managing personal identification documents.

 Registering to Vote:

Instructions on how to register and the importance of participating in local and national elections.

 Understanding Contracts and Leases:

Basics of contract law, particularly regarding rental agreements and other common contracts encountered by young adults.

 Health Insurance Options for Students:

Exploring options for maintaining health insurance through family plans, college programs, or individual policies.

 Skills for Independence:

Essential life skills for living independently, including financial management, basic cooking, cleaning, and self-care.

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The below are a list of classes taught at Wise Up Academy.  Registration Required.
(Max Class Size – 20) 

May 2024
Saturday May 4
Monday May 6
4:00 pm - 4:50 pm Taxes 201: Tax Forms
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