Transportation & Travel

Travel planning, including purchasing airline tickets, booking hotels, renting cars, and understanding TSA guidelines, passports, visas and auto maintenance and responsibility.

 Booking Travel Tickets:

Step-by-step guide on how to book airline tickets, train tickets, and other travel reservations online.

 Navigating Airport Security:

Overview of airport security procedures, what to expect at TSA checkpoints, and tips for a smooth experience.

 TSA PreCheck, CLEAR and Global Entry:

Explanation of TSA Pre-Check, CLEAR and Global Entry benefits, and how to apply for these programs to expedite security screening.

Passports and Visas:

Understanding the importance of passports, how to apply for one, and when a visa is necessary for traveling abroad.

 Renting Cars:

Guidelines on how to rent a car, understanding rental agreements, and age restrictions involved.

 Booking Hotels:

Tips on how to choose and book hotels, understanding check-in procedures, and considering location and amenities.

 New Driver Responsibilities:

Essential information for new drivers, including vehicle registration, insurance requirements, and basic maintenance checks.

 Car Maintenance Basics:

Learning simple car maintenance such as checking oil levels, tire pressure, and when to schedule regular servicing.

 What to Do in an Accident:

Steps to follow if involved in a car accident, including safety measures, exchange of information, and contacting insurance.

 Handling Traffic Violations:

Understanding the consequences of traffic
tickets, how to pay or contest them, and the impact on driving records.

 Safety and Emergency Procedures:

Knowing how to respond on emergency situations, use of emergency tools, and maintaining safety
kits in vehicles.

 Understanding Auto Insurance:

Basics of auto insurance, different types of coverage (liability, collision, comprehensive), and how to choose a policy that fits the driver’s needs.

 Driver’s License – Restricted to Regular:

Information on the progression from a restricted (learner’s permit or provisional) license to a regular driver’s license, including the requirements, restrictions, and how to graduate to full driving privileges.

 Your First Car Purchase:

Learn the difference between leasing and purchasing, financing options, APR, Money Factors, MSRP vs Invoice and additional warranties.

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Monday May 6
4:00 pm - 4:50 pm Taxes 201: Tax Forms
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